Atrac-Tain Follow Up

It’s been a little over a week with Atrac-Tain and I have to admit that I rather like it. It does exactly what it says and softens cracked skin. I’ve had to moisturize considerably less than usual as the moisture seems to stick around for a lot longer than other things I have tried.

The only downside is the stinging when applied to open wounds. Though, a bright side to that, is it seems to hurt less after prolonged use due to healing the cracks and having less open wounds to contend with.

I’ve found it moisturizes quite well when applied after bathing, which is a huge relief. I don’t experience any of the tightness I would experience with other products.

Overall, I would recommend this to anyone dealing with extremely dry and cracked skin, especially in the colder-than-normal winter we’re experiencing on the west coast.

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