Atrac-Tain Follow Up

It’s been a little over a week with Atrac-Tain and I have to admit that I rather like it. It does exactly what it says and softens cracked skin. I’ve had to moisturize considerably less than usual as the moisture seems to stick around for a lot longer than other things I have tried.

The only downside is the stinging when applied to open wounds. Though, a bright side to that, is it seems to hurt less after prolonged use due to healing the cracks and having less open wounds to contend with.

I’ve found it moisturizes quite well when applied after bathing, which is a huge relief. I don’t experience any of the tightness I would experience with other products.

Overall, I would recommend this to anyone dealing with extremely dry and cracked skin, especially in the colder-than-normal winter we’re experiencing on the west coast.

Atrac-Tain: First Look


Atrac-Tain was suggested to me by my mother-in-law. This 140ML  bottle was purchased at the Shoppers Drug Mart Wellness Store in Surrey, BC, for $15 CAD. It can also be ordered at any Shoppers Drug Mart Pharmacy.

The back of the bottle warns that slight stinging may occur when used on “non-intact skin”, and I found that to be the case. It’s not super painful or anything worth worrying about, but it’s important to note just the same.

It also warns that it may increase skin’s sensitivity to sun, but since it’s pouring rain here and set to do so for the next however long, I’m not worried.

The directions suggest using 2 to 3 times a day, so I’ll stick to that and see how it goes.

Additionally, it is not greasy and not smelly.

My Eczema Adventure

Hello, universe!

I’m a 29 year old woman with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. I was born with this condition and it has varied between ‘okay’ and ‘awful’. Throughout the years I have tried thousands of dollars of creams and lotions, medication, and anything else I could get my hands on. As I near 30, my AD has gotten worse instead of better.

Currently, I’m on 20mgs of prednisone. This can have several serious issues in the future if I keep using it, but it seems to be the only thing I’m being prescribed. Right now I’m seeing an allergist, and going in to an endocrinologist next week. I have seen a dermatologist in the past, and am on a waitlist to see another one next year. I live on the west coast of Canada, which is important to mention as the types of creams and other products I can obtain are somewhat limited compared to what is available in America.

This brings me to the purpose of this blog. My goal is to cover the products I’m using and offer my thoughts on them in the hopes that other people suffering from AD can find something that works for them as well.

Atopic Dermatitis has no cure, but there are many hopeful treatments coming out in the future that I desperately hope will work.